Submit a YouTube Channel

Submit your Youtube channel (or a channel you really like) to FindAChannels's video channel directory and it will soon be listed on the site.

Number of channels in queue: 165

Submit a YouTube channel URL (e.g., or just its 'UC' ID (which looks like this: UCZrW0OnNa4Rafwahg2718b)
e.g. cat toys, gaming, travel

Submission Guidelines

Our rulez:

  • Channels must have a minimum of 1000 subscribers.
  • The channel's content's main language must be English.
  • The channel must not hide their subscriber count. Those that do are automatically ejected from the index.
  • We only accept YouTube channels. We don't support other video platforms at this time.
  • The channel must remain active. If the channel hasn't posted a video in the last year, it will be booted from our index to make room for fresh content.
  • The channel's content must be YouTube safe.
  • Do not submit spam as it won't make it onto the site.
  • Do not submit URL shorteners or affiliate links.
  • Do not post channels which have videos marked as private.
  • The channel must follow other unspecified quality guidelines (you may not appreciate just how much spam and junk content sites such as ours receive).

Channel additions, sorting, categorisation and other updates to the site are fully automated by our SakiAI AI engine and we are unable to manually tweak listings.

We do not charge for channel listings. All channels and social media accounts featured on this site get free publicity from a high quality site and the chance to get a little bit more traffic.

Submission Data

Below is a chart showing the number of YouTube channels submitted to FindAChannel each month. This chart just includes channels submitted by users of the site. It excludes channels automatically discovered by the site's SakiAI AI engine.

Submission Processing Data

This chart shows the number of channel submissions processed each month. This includes new channels discovered by FindAChannel itself.